Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The story of the good ole delete and block

    Sooooooo I seldom delete and block anyone... Mostly cause I'm kinda petty... LOL... Now with that being said lemme tell you about this guy...
    Y'all prolly don't know this about me but I like to crochet and I make things to sell... anyways some of my Facebook friends share my merchandise which on occasion gets me orders from their friends.. One day I get an inbox from a gentlemen who wanted to purchase a scarf...I'm like cool, he tells me what colors and alladat! I make the scarf, didn't quite get one of the colors right and had to go back to scratch... which I don't mind because I aim to please. I make another one, he loves it... all is right wit the universe!! Did I mention he is a good lookin dude?? OK, OK back to the story... fast forward to him receiving his scarf... I always request a photo of my customers wearing their handmade goodies so I can post and advertise.. His pic has the chix on my page goin crazy... Everybody wanna know who this handsome man is, so I get the idea to ask him if I could add him to a group that I was active in and he agreed. In between me adding him we had some flirting goin on via the inbox which led to the exchanging of phone numbers.. We had one phone conversation that went over ok.  Long story short, we didn't talk much after the first convo and I never saved his number. Fast forward>>>>>>>> one day I get a txt and I ask "who is this?" I got back a WOW... But right before the wow, I remembered the number and was like "oh hey!" But I was too late.. He never responded again... About wk or 2 later I noticed I hadn't seen him on my TL, I go to look him up and discover I've been blocked 🙅 😂😂😂😂 This happened months ago... This morning I wake up to a friend request from said fellow and I couldn't resist inboxing him...
He took his request back... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Does Ya Wife Know You "Single"

I wasn't even sure what to title this one.. I think I've mentioned that I'm in an ignant amount of groups on FB.. Sometimes I fall victim to the "Drop ya last selfie" or "Drop of pic of you in black" meme...  What can I say, I know I'm fly....... 💁💅 LOL anyways, I got caught up in a "Drop a selfie wit ur age" meme. So here I go droppin something cute and more that proud of my 39 years!!!
I'm like ok, he tryna be cute and flirt or whateva... I click on his profile and guess what I see 👀... "married" 
See this dude is a special kind of cheater... He the cheater that likes to be able to say, they knew I was married when we started." I'm so over these new n*ggas! 

Open Letter to the New Age Nigga!!